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Course Objective: Developing Professionalism

 One of the English 320 course objectives is to develop professionalism exhibited in such qualities as self-direction, cooperation, civility, reliability, and care in editing and presenting the final product. To me, this means that it is my goal for me to be a professional writer and editor by the end of this course's time frame. It is representing how it is important to be professional in your writing, all while having good qualities that are represented through your writing. 

This objective can be achieved by practicing the use of collaboration in workplace teams on various projects throughout the semester. I believe I have been a diligent student in doing this, as I have completed every single discussion board in the course. Additionally, I have had the drive to give my fellow peers my opinions and edit their works in an effort to better their professionalism as well. By editing my fellow peers' works, I am also gaining my own sense of professionalism and being able to be useful to others around me. Additionally, I am working with other individuals, as a team or group, in an effort to reach the same common goal of completing a paper of some sort by the given deadline. 

After achieving this objective, I believe I will feel a great sense of accomplishment and achievement. I will feel like a much more professional writer and editor for my readers and other fellow peers. These skills will be able to be utilized in my future occupation in business, as it is very important that businessmen and women are very professional in their actions. 


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