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Showing posts from April, 2023

Overview of Blog Posts

Throughout this spring semester, I have had the privilege of completing blog posts to compile numerous ideas into one website. Some of these ideas included my daily thoughts, my future plans, things pertaining to my career, and fun facts about myself. By writing this various information down, I was able to express my thoughts and notify others about my life. I found this useful, especially since the whole idea behind the blog was to allow a future employer to read it and learn about our life and what we are like as a thinker and as a person as a whole. By writing things down, I was also to better focus my attention on certain topics and expand my mindset into ideas I typically wouldn't be thinking about.  For the most part, I enjoyed blogging about my thoughts and my future plans. I enjoyed this because it helped me to think about things I normally wouldn't think about and to create goals for my future. With the deadlines every other week, it also made me think about things and

Finishing the Spring Semester Strong

 It's crazy to think how the past year of college has gone by so fast. I started my second year of college here at North Dakota State University just a short time ago. I am nearing the end of my second year and quickly approaching the final weeks before the summer break. Enclosed within these final few weeks are the various last-minute assignments, final exams, and wrapping-up projects that I have spent a significant amount of time on, throughout this past semester.  Despite this past semester going by so quickly, I find it very important to not let time control my work. If I focus on the time and become overwhelmed with rushing to finish the final work that needs to be done, I will not be able to finish my work in a good manner. Finishing my work strong and with great depth is important in my education and my future with the knowledge I am gaining through each of my courses. If I rush the work, I will not be able to remember as much of the information nor be able to do the work to

Course Objective: Developing Professionalism

 One of the English 320 course objectives is to develop professionalism exhibited in such qualities as self-direction, cooperation, civility, reliability, and care in editing and presenting the final product. To me, this means that it is my goal for me to be a professional writer and editor by the end of this course's time frame. It is representing how it is important to be professional in your writing, all while having good qualities that are represented through your writing.  This objective can be achieved by practicing the use of collaboration in workplace teams on various projects throughout the semester. I believe I have been a diligent student in doing this, as I have completed every single discussion board in the course. Additionally, I have had the drive to give my fellow peers my opinions and edit their works in an effort to better their professionalism as well. By editing my fellow peers' works, I am also gaining my own sense of professionalism and being able to be us