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Overview of Blog Posts

Throughout this spring semester, I have had the privilege of completing blog posts to compile numerous ideas into one website. Some of these ideas included my daily thoughts, my future plans, things pertaining to my career, and fun facts about myself. By writing this various information down, I was able to express my thoughts and notify others about my life. I found this useful, especially since the whole idea behind the blog was to allow a future employer to read it and learn about our life and what we are like as a thinker and as a person as a whole. By writing things down, I was also to better focus my attention on certain topics and expand my mindset into ideas I typically wouldn't be thinking about.  For the most part, I enjoyed blogging about my thoughts and my future plans. I enjoyed this because it helped me to think about things I normally wouldn't think about and to create goals for my future. With the deadlines every other week, it also made me think about things and
Recent posts

Finishing the Spring Semester Strong

 It's crazy to think how the past year of college has gone by so fast. I started my second year of college here at North Dakota State University just a short time ago. I am nearing the end of my second year and quickly approaching the final weeks before the summer break. Enclosed within these final few weeks are the various last-minute assignments, final exams, and wrapping-up projects that I have spent a significant amount of time on, throughout this past semester.  Despite this past semester going by so quickly, I find it very important to not let time control my work. If I focus on the time and become overwhelmed with rushing to finish the final work that needs to be done, I will not be able to finish my work in a good manner. Finishing my work strong and with great depth is important in my education and my future with the knowledge I am gaining through each of my courses. If I rush the work, I will not be able to remember as much of the information nor be able to do the work to

Course Objective: Developing Professionalism

 One of the English 320 course objectives is to develop professionalism exhibited in such qualities as self-direction, cooperation, civility, reliability, and care in editing and presenting the final product. To me, this means that it is my goal for me to be a professional writer and editor by the end of this course's time frame. It is representing how it is important to be professional in your writing, all while having good qualities that are represented through your writing.  This objective can be achieved by practicing the use of collaboration in workplace teams on various projects throughout the semester. I believe I have been a diligent student in doing this, as I have completed every single discussion board in the course. Additionally, I have had the drive to give my fellow peers my opinions and edit their works in an effort to better their professionalism as well. By editing my fellow peers' works, I am also gaining my own sense of professionalism and being able to be us

Planning. Is it good or bad to be a planner?

 Do you see planning things out as a good thing or a bad thing? Are you a planner, yourself?  There are many different opinions on being a planner and figuring out what to do, what schedules to follow, or what things need to be done. I, myself, love to plan but need to be limited to the number of things I plan.  Here are some reasons why planning can be a great thing for an individual. 1. Planning creates goals that drive an individual 2. It directs attention toward a specific thing.  3. Planning helps to maximize the amount of time you spend on an activity, allowing more activities for you to be a part of. 4. It provides motivation and commitment. Despite these (and many others) reasons listed above, there can also be some downfalls to being a planner. Some of these reasons include: 1. Planning ties someone down to something they might want to do now but doesn't mean they want to do it in the future. 2. Things change, which means your planning will be changing, causing discouragem

My Bucket List

 Many people choose to create a bucket list, whether in writing framed on a wall or just a mental note in their head. My personal bucket list is not excessively long but ranges through a wide variety of activities I hope to do in the future. Below I have listed just a portion of my bucket list. I am hoping to be able to cross a few things off of the list in the near future, so I look forward to my list changing.  Go on a cruise through the Caribbean Go skydiving Attend a murder mystery party Zip-line across a body of water Jet skiing in the Gulf of Mexico Tube behind a boat Attend a country concert The items I listed above are just a few of the things I hope to be able to do in the near future. As someone who has begun to fall more in love with traveling and trying things out of my comfort zone, I believe I will be able to successfully cross some of these items off the list.  From my list, you may have noticed that I am someone who is very adventurous and wants to try many new things t

Progress on My Degree Outlook

As someone who began college unsure of what to do with their future, I have been able to create a deeper foundation for what my future will look like. Recently, I was able to fully declare my plan of study, as I have been able to take classes related to each of my majors, a minor, and numerous certificates that give me an idea of what I would be working with. I was able to declare my double majors in Business Administration and Finance, my minor in Banking, and my certificates in Entrepreneurship, Private Enterprises, and Sales. With each of these additional steps in my academic career, I plan to fulfill a critical business role in the future.  You may be wondering why I chose to have two majors, and on top of that, add a minor. As if that wasn't enough, you may think I am crazy for adding not one, but THREE additional certificates to my study plan. However, I have a love for each of these areas and thoroughly enjoy being able to increase my knowledge in them. My dream has always b

Truly Thankful for Scholarships

  As a college student, being financially stable is a struggle with having to pay for everything that comes with college. Some of these college expenses may include food, tuition, books, and living, which vary significantly from semester to semester. I have been fortunate enough to be able to be relieved from some of these ongoing expenses. Through my hometown, state, as well as NDSU itself, I have been able to win multiple scholarships.  I bring up the topic of scholarships because it is something that is on my current to-do list, as well as something I encourage every college student to apply for. In just a few short days, NDSU scholarships are due, which means that I have to reread and perfect all my applications to ensure that I am applying for them to the best of my ability. Many students do not take the opportunity to apply for such applications, as they think it is too much work or too much to think about. However, I have been able to relieve so much financial stress because of