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Showing posts from January, 2023

Past Online Class Experience

In this post, you can read about my past online course experience and what I learned from that experience.  As a current NDSU student, I have taken a combination of both in-person and online courses. This semester, I am 3/3 for the ratio of online courses to in-person courses. In the past, I have taken courses that correlate with one another, trying one of them online and one of them in person.  The course I am going to focus on is my accounting course. In my first semester at NDSU, I took an accounting course in person. I struggled with the course and was unable to interact with it or learn the information as much as I would have liked. The next semester, I took the next accounting course, but online. Through this change, I was able to better take and learn the information from the course. I solely believe that it depends on the individual for how they are able to interact with online or in-person courses.  I liked my online course in the sense that I was able to pace myself and choos

Business Classes Important to My Major this Semester

  NDSU offers a wide variety of courses for business students. It is important to research what each class is about, to ensure that the courses we are taking are peaking our interests. Included in this post, you will be able to read about each of the courses I am taking and why I chose to take them in relation to my major. International Business International Business is a course on the differences between domestic operations, including the benefits of operating across the globe. This involves business transactions between people that are from different countries, explaining how international business is an important part of the global economy. The course goes into depth on the political, cultural, and economic problems managers are facing through international operations. This course is essential for me to take this semester, as my major in business administration requires me to take this course. I believe it is essential I am knowledgeable about business internationally and not only

Why Read My Blog?

 Why Read My Blog? My blog will give you an insight into what my future will look like, through my major. As I continue this journey to obtain my finance and business administration degrees, I hope you all will read about my journey. Through this blog, I will write about my courses related to my majors, my everyday life through college at NDSU, and some events I find to be very interesting happening in the business world. Through this blog, I hope you will be inspired to learn about my life as a business student. I am passionate about my future in business and hope to one day be able to influence people into obtaining their future careers in this department. As I continue towards this goal, I hope you will join me.

Welcome to My Blog!

 Welcome to My Blog!  Now, let me introduce myself. Background My name is Kelly Zimmerman, but some people call me Kel. I grew up on my family's fourth-generation farm, right outside small-town Napoleon, North Dakota. You can normally find me reading, journaling, or hanging out with my friends and family. I also love to organize things, whether that is organizing my clothes in my closet by color, or the files on my computer by subject. Trying new things is also something I enjoy doing, including traveling to new places. Education I am in the midst of my second year at NDSU and am looking at graduating in the Spring of 2024. I am double majoring in Finance and Business Administration and hope to obtain a certificate of entrepreneurship when I graduate. I chose this path because of my love for business and mathematics. What now? Now that you know who I am, feel free to read my next post on what this blog is all about. Happy reading! :)